About Us
Rapid Rescue Pty Ltd offers a comprehensive range of competitively priced Emergency, Rescue, 1st Aid , Pre-Hospital and CPR products Australia-Wide.
We provide our Customers with optimum products and technical know how to give you the best service, advice and support for your equipment needs.
Our Suppliers and their products include:
Me.ber: Stretchers,Back boards,restraint systems and resuscitation products
Landswick: Vacuum splints and vacuum mattresses
BLS Systems: Rescuer BVMs and Pocket Masks
XIEEH Medical: Stretchers and backboards
MedSunline: Oxygen bags, Oxygen backpacks and trauma packs
Cardiac Science: Defibrillators
Defibtech: Defibrillators
AAXIS Pacific: S&M Medical Consumables
All products are manufactured under strict quality control systems with appropriate certification, including CE mark and TGA where appropriate.